简介:Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahead of Season 2’s premiere this Friday. Six ne
简介:一次意外中,莎拉(朱迪·福斯特 Jodie Foster 饰)在酒吧被人强暴,在一旁围观的男人们非但没有出手制止这可怕的暴行,反而幸灾乐祸的加入了其中。事后,身心都受到了巨大创伤的莎拉将这些可恶的男人告上了法庭,没想到社会舆论却反过来指责她的放荡和品行不端。凯瑟琳(凯莉·麦吉利斯 Kelly McG
简介:The non-binary comedian Mae Martin speaks of a world that has gone off the rails. Among other things, Mae Martin mentions a mythical encounter with a