简介:당파간의 암투가 치열했던 조선 말기. 헌종이 승하하자 왕손이면서도 강화도에서 평민처럼 살고있던 떠꺼머리 총각 원범(신영균)이 하루 아침에 철종으로 등극한다. 제조상궁(한은진)으로부터 궁중의 법도를 하나하나 배워가던 철종은 격식에 얽매여 제약이 많은 왕의 지위에 염증을
简介:Cinematized version of Lee Kwang-su’s novel, which tells the story of the dream Josin had, a Buddhist monk at Naksan temple in the era of the Three Ki
简介:The beauty of the place and the beauty disarming Yun Jeong-hie that releases eroticism in a spontaneous and adding a sliding very interesting history
简介:At an ocean side village, many fishing boats never return from the high sea, and many of the women in the village assume they are widows when their hu
简介:劇情簡介∶ 故事發生於朝鮮的動盪年代,王后Jinseong(Kim Jee Jeong)打算引誘剛打仗凱旋歸來的大將軍Kim Wong Rang(Shin Young Hyun),金將軍對正室忠誠,最後妻子Yeo Hwa(Kim Ji Soo)仍鬱鬱不歡,最後與孩兒同歸於盡。死後Yeo Hwa化成